How to Install Wallpaper Like a Pro| 8 Easy Steps

Step 1.  Find a Wallpaper that you Love!     


Finding the perfect wallpaper that resonates with your style and personality involves a combination of exploration, reflection, and creativity. Begin your search by browsing through various sources such as interior design magazines, websites, and social media platforms like Pinterest or Instagram. Take note of patterns, colors, and themes that catch your eye and evoke a positive emotional response. Consider the ambiance you want to create in your space - whether it's a cozy retreat, a vibrant energizer, or a serene sanctuary. Don't hesitate to experiment with different styles and textures to find what truly speaks to you. Once you've narrowed down your options, gather samples or swatches to see how they complement your existing decor and lighting conditions. Ultimately, trust your instincts and choose a wallpaper that ignites joy and makes you feel at home every time you walk into the room. Remember, the perfect wallpaper is not just a decoration; it's an expression of your unique taste and personality.

Click here to see wallpaper ideas


Step 2. Purchase Supplies (List of Supplies)


Step 3. Read Wallpaper Instructions

It's imperative to carefully read the instructions provided with your wallpaper to guarantee a smooth and trouble-free installation. Each wallpaper comes with unique guidelines, specifying crucial details such as the duration for the wallpaper to rest after applying glue and its water resistance. Additionally, you'll discern the type of wallpaper pattern, whether it's a straight match or half-drop match. Disregarding or overlooking these instructions may result in costly errors, wasted effort, and disappointing outcomes. Adhering to these guidelines meticulously ensures a seamless and successful installation process.

Step 4. Prep the Walls


To prepare a wall for hanging wallpaper, begin by removing the electrical outlet wall plate and any existing wallpaper. Next, smooth the wall surface using sandpaper or a paint scraper to eliminate any loose paint. Finally, repair any holes or imperfections in the wall as needed. 


Step 5. Determine Where you Will Hang the First Wallpaper Sheet

The initial sheet of wallpaper should be hung either at the room's focal point or adjacent to a door frame. To learn more, click here.


Step 6. Take Measurements


measuring wall

Start by identifying the height and width of the wall you plan to cover. Use a metal tape measure for precise measurements, ensuring it's straight and taut against the wall. Measure from corner to corner horizontally at the top and bottom of the wall to check for any irregularities. Next, measure the height from floor to ceiling at multiple points along the wall, especially if the floor or ceiling isn't level. Take the highest measurement to ensure the wallpaper will cover the entire wall. Lastly, add a few extra inches to your measurements to accommodate for pattern matching and trimming during installation. Double-checking your measurements ensures you purchase the right amount of wallpaper and minimizes waste.

Step 7. Cut the Wallpaper


cutting wallpaper

Begin by measuring the length needed for each strip of wallpaper, ensuring it's slightly longer than the height of the wall to accommodate for trimming. Use a sharp breakaway knife or scissors to make straight cuts along the measured length. For precision, use a straight edge or a wallpaper cutting guide to guide your cuts, ensuring they are clean and even. If your wallpaper has a pattern, be mindful of pattern alignment and match the patterns as you cut each strip.

Step 8. Apply Paste and Book the Wallpaper


gluing wallpaper

Prepare the wallpaper adhesive according to the manufacturer's instructions, ensuring it's mixed to the right consistency. Use a clean paint roller with a cover to apply an even layer of adhesive to the back of the wallpaper, working from the center outwards to prevent air bubbles. Be generous with the adhesive but avoid over-saturating the paper, as this can cause wrinkles or bubbles. If you're using pre-pasted wallpaper, activate the adhesive by submerging each strip in water according to the manufacturer's guidelines. Once the adhesive is applied, fold the wallpaper loosely, allowing the adhesive to activate for the recommended soaking time, all wallpaper is different. Similarly, when booking wallpaper (allowing it to rest after applying adhesive), fold the pasted sides together, aligning the edges carefully, and let it rest for the specified time to allow the adhesive to fully activate.

Click here to see a pasting and booking tutorial!

Step 9. Hang the Wallpaper


installing wallpaper

With the wallpaper adhesive properly applied and activated, you're ready to begin hanging the wallpaper. Start by carefully positioning the top of the wallpaper strip against the wall, leaving a slight overlap at the ceiling. Use a wallpaper smoothing brush or a metal spatula to gently smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles, working from the center outward. Take care to align the edges of the wallpaper with the corners and any adjacent strips to ensure a seamless finish. As you continue to hang each strip, use a level to ensure they are straight and plumb, adjusting as necessary. Trim any excess wallpaper at the top and bottom edges using a sharp utility knife or scissors, leaving a small overlap for accuracy. Repeat the process for each subsequent strip, taking care to match patterns if applicable.


Step 10. Clean Up

Cleaning up after hanging wallpaper is essential to ensure a tidy and polished finish to your project. Begin by carefully removing any excess adhesive from the wallpaper surface using a damp cloth. Pay special attention to seams and edges where adhesive may have seeped out during installation. Be gentle to avoid damaging the wallpaper, especially if it's delicate or textured. Once the wallpaper is clean and dry, carefully inspect the room for any leftover scraps, tools, or debris, and dispose of them appropriately. Finally, replace any furniture or fixtures that were temporarily moved during the installation process, taking care not to disturb the newly hung wallpaper. With patience and attention to detail, hanging wallpaper can be a rewarding process that transforms your space with style and sophistication.






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